Running in Dunbar, Scotland
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One of the most scenic and beautiful places I’ve ever run in is Dunbar, Scotland. At 50ºF (10ºC), it could possibly be the coldest place as well. And this is summer – granted, early summer.
It’s 9am and I’m out on my run. The sun has just broken through the clouds to bathe the East Lothian coast in all its glory. It’s actually been daylight since 4:30am but I’ve just rolled out of bed and braved the chilly weather for a 3 mile (5km) run.
The start of the run was a little cold but my muscles soon warmed up and I peeled off my outer warm-up layer. As soon as I reached the coast, I was rewarded with breathtaking views of the Scottish coastline. The kind of views that compel people to unleash their inner poets and artists.
Blazing my own path east of the town’s communal swimming pool, I haphazardly followed the John Muir walking path at a slow running pace, stopping every once in a while to enjoy the scenery, snap shots of the landscape, and pick my way through stony mossy paths, twisting my ankle only once and glad no one was around to hear my loud expletives.
This is my 6th or 7th time in Scotland but only the first time I’ve donned my running clothes and laced my running shoes for a run in this country.
I’ve always been paralyzed by the cold weather as I tend to run in much warmer climes.
Running along Dunbar harbor I passed by lots of small fishing boats, lobster cages piled along the docks, and the ruins of old Dunbar castle.
My earlier run a few days ago brought me alongside a golf course that also had gorgeous sea views.
My time in Dunbar permits only two more runs and hopefully the weather will hold up to discover more of its natural beauty.
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Jealous much over here in Dubai – I’m missing my running so much! Oh bring on the cooler weather 🙂
Great pics!
Sadly, that was my last run in Scotland. Currently sidelined with an injury 🙁
What a spectacular spot, Ginger – glad you ventured out for a run – it paid off! Brrr though – it’s hard for me to imagine being so cold this time of year.
Would have been hard for me to imagine it too if I hadn’t been there – brrrr!
Beautiful snaps and writing as well (as always) 🙂
thank you Tet!