Finally a Dining Table!

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After nearly 6 months of eating on the sofa or floor, we’ve finally picked out a dining table and it was delivered to our apartment this past weekend.

Now I can scratch off item #3 from my list of apartment needs.

I am most excited about this piece of furniture – more than anything in our apartment that we have gotten. Not only because I love to eat and I think about food all the time (like I have been dreaming all morning about my lunch of leftover pork chops to be reincarnated as a pork sandwich on a baguette with mayo, whole-grain mustard, lettuce, and tomato) but this table means that we can FINALLY have friends over for dinner…if we had friends that is…(joke).

We lived in a small studio in New York so our apartment was never visitor friendly and our dining table was also the computer table, work table, catch-all table and it only sat 2 (on a good day).

Now we can actually have SIX friends over and it doesn’t matter that we don’t have table service for 6 and so everything from plates and silverware to cups and glasses will be mismatched. All that matters is the company…oh, and the alcohol.

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  1. congrats… i am also expecting ikea to deliver today all the furniture i purchased from them 10 days ago… it includes a sofa, dressing table, coffee table, glass cabinet, wooden racks, and curtain rods. Finally my home will be complete.