An object in motion stays in motion

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So it’s been more than one month since I’ve returned to Dubai after summer vacation spent in NYC, Chicago, France, and Switzerland.  And what have I got to show for it?


The baby room is still completely empty (well, we did buy a rug for it…but then decided to keep it for ourselves so moved it into the master bedroom), I still haven’t sorted out my mountain of receipts that need to be filed, trashed or excel-spreadsheeted, I haven’t started on any of the 3 knitting projects that I my mother-in-law bought very nice expensive yarn (or “wool” as they call it in the UK) for, nor have I caught up on my blogging as I promised myself I would do, nor have I completed my family tree that I half-assed started on AND, I only went to the gym ONCE last week.

I’m such a SLACKER!

I’m convinced it’s the unemployment.  After all, if an object in motion stays in motion, then an object not in motion…just ends up on the couch?

So in an effort to jolt myself out of this rut, I am going to try and blog EVERY SINGLE DAY until my delivery date of December 17th.  At least, I’ll try.

Whew…here goes…

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