Are you freaking kidding me?
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So all I wanted was rice noodles. Quarter-inch thick rice noodles – to be exact. Last time I bought them in Carrefour and saw a whole boxful in the Al Maya market just downstairs from my apartment. Should be as easy as buying oh, rice perhaps?
Well, I don’t know what’s worse. Driving to 5 different grocery stores in far reaching parts of Dubai and not finding any rice noodles at all…….Or going to the Waitrose by my house, and almost (almost!) scoring rice noodles only to notice that instead of plain…they sold only CARROT, SPINACH, or PUMPKIN flavor. WTF!?!
I kid you not. You can see the proof for youself in the photo. I think at this point I started hysterically laughing/crying and my husband had to drag me out of the store to avoid any potential embarrasment to himself.
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I've found this type of noodle at Al Fair in Muscat, Oman too. It doesn't taste like banh pho, but my hubby did not complain. To save myself from sanity, I've asked my sister to send me dried banh pho from California. I CAN FEEL YOUR PAIN!
Thanks Sus for the reply, is C&B in Dubai? I have read that they r planning to open……Can u tell me where is C&B in dubai?
Hi, Just found this site- loooove it- quasi ABC from Boston here missing Chinese food like crazy and finally finding this site right now. Please please please can you take me out on one of your shopping trips? Ummm and maybe teach me how to cook ;)…
SJ: there are no BB&Bs here, though there's just about everything else. There are huge supermarkets and you can find pretty much everything (if you're willing to substitute things like pumpkin flavored rice noodles for the plain and willing to drive around in circles)…
Examples of some shops/restaurants from home: Crate & Barrel, Toys R Us, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Macaroni Grill, Outback Steakhouse (err maybe this doesn't count)… Service is definitely different though on many levels, better/worse in some ways. Don't be apprehensive though, so long as you've got an open mind and refrain from constantly comparing/noting the cons. Good luck with your move…
Ginger, hope we get to meet- do you go to the bumps n babes groups?
I wanted to know if they have a 'Bedbath and beyond' kind of store in Dubai.
Chances are there that I might have to move to Dubai from USA, very apprehensive. Having got used to living in USA, feeling it hard to adjust to any other place. How are the supermarkets or grocery stores in Dubai? Anything like Walmart? Stop and Shop?
-from Boston